Integrated Library Management System, suited for managing small and school libraries.
Available as Client Server and Online versions. Designed to automate the following
activities of your library: the OPAC (public interface for users), cataloging (classifying
and indexing materials), and circulation (lending materials to patrons and receiving
them back) and Stock verification. The system provides an extensive reporting facility
in all modules. The Administration module manages all master files, member/patron
information and other authority files. System supports MARC 21 and ISO 2709 formats.
Most of the features available in Advanced version for the above modules are also
available in Junior version.
Integrated Library Management system, suited for College, Research and other similar
Institutions. Available as Client Server and Online versions. It falls mainly under
9 modules. The OPAC (public interface for users), cataloging/Database/Technical
processing (classifying and indexing materials), circulation/ Counter transaction
/Issue and return module (lending materials to patrons and receiving them back),
Acquisitions (ordering, receiving, and invoicing materials), Serial control module,
Administration module, Reports module, Article indexing module, Digital library
resources cataloguing module
Online Book Magic is the latest addition to BookMagic versions. Online OPAC system
is much appreciated because of its strength for the information search in your library
anywhere from your intranet or internet and to use the potential of the library
to aid the students /users in and outside the institution. Library has the pivotal
role by itself in any Educational / Research institutions, Technical organizations
etc. The search of information and resources, gathering, organization, distribution
of resources, maintenance of users and resources profile, resources usage statistics,
Fund utilization and accounting etc. done and controlled very systematically in
BookMagic library management Software in a way you like the most. It is compliant
with international standards for data interchange and understand the standard catalogue
formats available for download